πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» The Lazy Man's Guide for Macbook Setup

Adjustments I like to make to a new Macbook and some of the thinking behind it

February 16, 2025 Β· 6 min

🧱 Deploy a simple Databricks job with the Databricks SDK

A simple script for deploying a Databricks job to run a simple Python script using the Databricks SDK

January 27, 2025 Β· 5 min

✍️ All you need for your documentation is VS Code, Markdown and draw.io

In modern software engineering contexts documentation should be light, descriptive and version controlled. Here’s some free tools to support that paradigm.

November 28, 2021 Β· 3 min

πŸ’¬ Add comments to your Hugo blog linked to Github issues with utterances

Disqus sucks and most tech folk have a Github account so how about using Github issues to support comments.

November 28, 2021 Β· 2 min

πŸš— Taking Prefect for a ride

Trying out an Airflow competitor: Prefect

November 21, 2021 Β· 8 min